Feel free to contact us. We will do our best to get back to you soon. You can message us using the form above or contact us via our various social media channels. You can find all the links in the footer area at the bottom of any page.
If you have any comments regarding the casinos or sportsbooks we promote, we will take your opinions on board. If you have an issue at a particular site, we will do our best to try and help you if we can. Unfortunately, we cannot make any guarantees regarding help and it will be up to the site in question. Not all sites will play ball, we know this through past experiences.
Viperslots.com is a review site that offers visitors honest and transparent opinions on gambling sites. You may or may not agree with our ratings and assessments. Every review that we write is from our own experiences. We won’t mislead anyone by advertising shady websites.
Unfortunately, many gambling sites cannot be trusted online today. They are only online to scam players and steal their funds. If any of the sites we promote start acting unprofessionally, they will be removed from viperslots.com pending further investigation.
Please also let us know if you find any errors or mistakes on our website and we will change them asap. We do our very best to keep all of the information correct and up to date. The gambling industry moves at break-neck speed so sometimes it is not possible.